
The Henrico County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Association celebrated its 39thCommemorative Celebration honoring Dr. King. Through the observance of Dr. King’s holiday, the goal was to bring the Henrico County community together to celebrate his legacy of universal love.

Light of Hope recognition was given to one student from each Henrico County Public School who best demonstrates the attributes of Dr. King. For Rivers Edge, this student was fifth grader Adhya K. She is a wonderful student who is also devoted to her community. We are incredibly proud of Adhya, especially with the community service project she organized on her own in October. She initiated a collection of supplies that were delivered to western North Carolina. Before presenting her idea to our administrative team, she connected with a Red Cross representative. She found out what was needed and confirmed there was a truck ready to deliver to North Carolina. Within a couple days, she had large collection of supplies. What a wonderful example for us all!

light of hope winnercommunity service project