What a fun, busy week at Rivers Edge! September seems to be a very popular birthday month. We love when our eagles stop by the front office to pick up their birthday pencils. Despite the rainy weather, our Girls on the Run team enjoyed their time together after school and our Go Green team made sure our full bins were emptied into the recycling dumpster. Meanwhile, our kindergartners and 4th graders worked together to complete Veteran's Day projects that will be displayed at Texas Roadhouse in support of our local veterans. Rivers Edge also hosted our first WATCH D.O.G. of the year. The students enjoyed working with him and seeing this great dad helping all around the school. Thank you to all our dads who have volunteered for this program! We will offer additional WATCH D.O.G days after the Winter Break!
We also want to give a huge shoutout to our teachers and staff! Everyone has worked incredibly hard as we've made our way over half way through the first quarter. Thank you to all the extra set of hands who support our teachers. We could not be successful without you!