Principal’s Message


Dear Rivers Edge Families,

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I’d like to welcome everyone to Rivers Edge Elementary School. Home of the Eagles! Our school’s name comes from its location along the Chickahominy River that runs through northwestern Henrico County. We are a diverse and engaged community of learners committed to the development of the skills necessary to be successful in a global society.

This year, our eagles will “S.O.A.R.”

Utilizing our themes of Safety Ownership Acceptance and Respect, REES will continue to focus on providing a safe, nurturing, inclusive, and innovative environment to our diverse community of learners. We will continue building the social and emotional development of our future community leaders, as they start the journey toward becoming life ready. Our goal is for students to know that we care about them and we are committed to helping them grow not only academically, but socially and emotionally.

Communication is very important to us at Rivers Edge. Information from your child’s teacher comes primarily through email. In addition, School Messenger is a service providing special notifications and reminders from the principal as well as Eileen Cox, the Director of Communications for Henrico County Public Schools, Since these messages are sent electronically, please notify the front office if your email address or phone number changes from what is listed in your child’s updated Student Information Record. Please take some time to explore our school and PTA’s websites to find out more about Rivers Edge and how you can participate and volunteer. Our PTA also posts information through Facebook. You are invited to follow the PTA at Rivers Edge Elementary PTA. We are a successful school due to the commitment and support from our staff and PTA. By working together, your child will be soaring higher and finding success at Rivers Edge.


Pamela James

Principal, Rivers Edge

(804) 935-6760